I have been a teacher for eight years, a writer since I was in high school, and a lover of learning for as long as I can remember. Everything I do is driven by my thirst for knowledge and a desire to push myself, but I also wish to pass my knowledge on, to educate and inspire others. As a professional I seek to better myself as a writer, as an educator, and as a leader. This page highlights some of my best work, done both on this webpage, during my time at Millersville University, and while teaching at Chesapeake High School. If you have questions or wish to contact me, you can reach me easiest at my email: cmcuret@gmail.com.

If you click on the header link above you’ll find five of my posts linked there. Each represent a different aspect of who I am as a professional and a person. The first, “Sixteen Candles. . .” was in response to the backlash of the Bret Kavanaugh hearings, the push back against Toxic Masculinity and Toxic Masculinity’s push right back.

Next, the “The March for our Lives” was from one of my favorite moments of the year, but one of my most inflammatory pieces around here. I’ve always believed that if you write something and you’ve made some people very happy and others upset, you’re probably doing something right. A few students where I teach saw this and before long it started trending locally and I was asked by a few colleagues if I might not want to take it down. I didn’t, and I’m glad I did not.

Next, “My Spirit Animal. . .,” is a humorous take I had on a walk through the local woods. A bit of fun at my own expense. And after that, “The Dwindling Mythos. . .” was a piece I wrote about my experience trying to be a father.

Lastly is one of my first blog posts, “Let us talk . . . This is an excellent piece about media, the portrayal of humanity and reconnecting. It is also a good metric for how far I’ve come as a writer and a human. I hope you enjoy these reads, they are a good representation of who I am as a person and writer.

Below are some files from my personal, professional and academic works.

This is a Prezi I created for a Professional Development I ran on Flipping a Classroom.

The following essay is one of my favorites and my students gained the most from, even though it was difficult. Basically, it forces them to determine their own theme in Hamlet and how they think it develops before they even do one iota of research, and then they have to compare their findings with that of others. It encourages original thought, creative thinking, and proper researching. All of which must be done in two pages, so it also forces them to cut out all of the fluff they are used to incorporating in their work.

Lastly, the Capstone Project was introduced to my district five years ago, and when it was introduced it was clunky, awkward, and poorly explained. I spent a better part of a summer revamping it and turned it into a project that I was proud of. The entire Senior year we spent doing different parts of it to prepare the students for the project, and it became a true Capstone, a proper representation of their combined learning in high school.